WOALite released for Lumia 950/XL!

WOALite x86 Edition – Version 1.7 (based on Windows 10 1909) – 22/09/2020

  • Fixed Outlook profile creation error
  • Removed final few components – almost 600 removed in total
  • Have already started removing drivers – but it cannot get much liter than this!

Download lumia.wim… (right-click > save target…)
Download apps.zip… (right-click > save target…)
(unzip apps.zip, launch cmd as admin and run install.bat to silently install a selection of the best x86 and native apps at some point between step 14-20 below)

For info/discussion/feedback visit here:

The Raspberry Pi version was released here:
https://discourse.pi64.win/t/woalite-re … rry-pi/457


Network: Wifi, Mobile
System: OneDrive
Network: Bluetooth
Tablet: MobilePC / Touchscreen modules / On-screen keyboard / Rotation (auto)
Pre-injected Drivers: none for this release


DISCLAIMER: you MUST have previously unlocked the bootloader via WPinternals 2.8.zip AND deployed Windows on ARM using WOA Deployer 2.7; see guides elsewhere). In other words: this guide is only suitable *if* your phone has a previous WOA deployment intact, i.e. partitions 41-43 are extant together with the developer menu that gets installed as part of the process, etc.

1) Clone the following GitHub repository:
https://github.com/WOA-Project/Lumia-Driversor better still download drivers mirror from [here].
2) Extract the downloaded drivers to c:\Lumia-Drivers-master
3) Replace C:\Lumia-Drivers-master\components\ANYSOC\SUPPORT.DESKTOP.BASE\Setup\arm64\Unattend.xml and C:\Lumia-Drivers-master\components\ANYSOC\SUPPORT.DESKTOP.BASE\Setup\arm\Unattend.xml with [this] one.
4) Download lumia.wim to your Windows 10 PC Desktop
5) Connect phone to your Windows 10 PC and restart in Mass Storage Mode via the Developer menu.
6) Create the following file on your desktop (or custom path) and run lumia.bat to deploy lumia.wim to your phone:

lumia.bat (replace first.last with your profile path throughout the file; BE CAREFUL NOT TO WIPE OUT THE WRONG DISK – replace disk X with the last disk number – that of your phone)


for /f %%a in ('
    wmic logicaldisk where "VolumeName='MainOS'" get Caption ^| find ":"
') do set letter=%%a
cd EFIESP\EFI\Microsoft\BOOT
bcdedit /store BCD /set {7619dcc9-fafe-11d9-b411-000476eba25f} description "Dummy, please ignore"
bcdedit /store BCD /set {7619dcc9-fafe-11d9-b411-000476eba25f} path "dummy"
powershell -Command "& {$guid = bcdedit /store BCD /enum | Select-String \"Windows 10\" -Context 3,0 | ForEach-Object { $_.Context.PreContext[0] -replace '^identifier +' } | Where-Object { $_ -ne \"{default}\" }; bcdedit /store BCD /default $guid}"
(echo Select Disk X
echo select partition 43
echo delete partition override
echo select partition 42
echo delete partition override
echo select partition 41
echo delete partition override
echo create partition efi size=100
echo format fs=fat32 quick label=SYSTEM
echo assign letter q
echo create partition msr size=16
echo create partition primary
echo format fs=ntfs quick label=Windows
echo assign letter r
)  | diskpart
dism /apply-image /imagefile:C:\Users\first.last\Desktop\lumia.wim /index:1 /applydir:R:
bcdboot R:\Windows /s Q: /f UEFI
bcdedit /store q:\EFI\Microsoft\Boot\bcd /set {default} testsigning on
bcdedit /store q:\EFI\Microsoft\Boot\bcd /set {default} nointegritychecks on
REM copy DPP\ to c:\DPP - undocumented process
dism /Image:r:\ /add-driver /Driver:C:\Lumia-Drivers-master\components\QC8994\DEVICE.INPUT.SYNAPTICS_RMI4_F12_10 /recurse /forceunsigned
dism /Image:r:\ /add-driver /Driver:C:\Lumia-Drivers-master\components\QC8994\DEVICE.SOC_QC8994.CITYMAN /recurse /forceunsigned
dism /Image:r:\ /add-driver /Driver:C:\Lumia-Drivers-master\components\QC8994\DEVICE.USB.MMO_USBC /recurse /forceunsigned
dism /Image:r:\ /add-driver /Driver:C:\Lumia-Drivers-master\components\QC8994\OEM.SOC_QC8994.MMO /recurse /forceunsigned
dism /Image:r:\ /add-driver /Driver:C:\Lumia-Drivers-master\components\QC8994\OEM.SOC_QC8994.MMO_GRAPHICS /recurse /forceunsigned
dism /Image:r:\ /add-driver /Driver:C:\Lumia-Drivers-master\components\QC8994\OEM.SOC_QC8994.MMO_SOC8994 /recurse /forceunsigned
dism /Image:r:\ /add-driver /Driver:C:\Lumia-Drivers-master\components\QC8994\PLATFORM.SOC_QC8994.8994 /recurse /forceunsigned
dism /Image:r:\ /add-driver /Driver:C:\Lumia-Drivers-master\components\QC8994\PLATFORM.SOC_QC8994.8994_MINIMAL /recurse /forceunsigned
dism /Image:r:\ /add-driver /Driver:C:\Lumia-Drivers-master\components\QC8994\PLATFORM.SOC_QC8994.BASE /recurse /forceunsigned
dism /Image:r:\ /add-driver /Driver:C:\Lumia-Drivers-master\components\QC8994\PLATFORM.SOC_QC8994.BASE_MINIMAL /recurse /forceunsigned
dism /Image:r:\ /add-driver /Driver:C:\Lumia-Drivers-master\components\QC8994\PLATFORM.SOC_QC8994.LATE_SOC /recurse /forceunsigned
dism /Image:r:\ /add-driver /Driver:C:\Lumia-Drivers-master\components\QC8994\PLATFORM.SOC_QC8994.MMO /recurse /forceunsigned
dism /Image:r:\ /add-driver /Driver:C:\Lumia-Drivers-master\components\ANYSOC\SUPPORT.DESKTOP.BASE /recurse /forceunsigned
dism /Image:r:\ /add-driver /Driver:C:\Lumia-Drivers-master\components\ANYSOC\SUPPORT.DESKTOP.EXTRAS /recurse /forceunsigned
dism /Image:r:\ /add-driver /Driver:C:\Lumia-Drivers-master\components\ANYSOC\SUPPORT.DESKTOP.MMO_EXTRAS /recurse /forceunsigned
dism /Image:r:\ /add-driver /Driver:C:\Lumia-Drivers-master\components\ANYSOC\SUPPORT.DESKTOP.MOBILE_BRIDGE /recurse /forceunsigned
dism /Image:r:\ /add-driver /Driver:C:\Lumia-Drivers-master\components\ANYSOC\SUPPORT.DESKTOP.MOBILE_COMPONENTS /recurse /forceunsigned
mountvol r: /d
mountvol q: /d

7) Restart the phone and let it run through “getting devices ready”. The entire OOBE is automatic so you should end up at the desktop.

8) Once at the Desktop: You can RDP immediately if you have a WiFi Profile setup on a Micro SD card (see step 16 below + last section of the guide) otherwise you can manually connect using touch-screen or add a Bluetooth keyboard, mouse, headset via the blue system tray icon > +

9) Goto Device Manager > Bluetooth > properties of Bluetooth Radio Driver > Power Management > untick “Allow the computer to turn off this device to save power”

11) Click Start menu > Settings > Ease of Access > increase text size to about 150% and make everything bigger by 225%

13) If you plan on using it: log into OneDrive

14) Run c:\script – lumia.bat as Administrator then reboot.

16) If you wish to RDP then you can connect to woalite hostname or remotely browse \\woalite\c$ for example – username/pass is administrator/administrator

17) Click settings > Display > turn on Rotation Lock > Landscape

18) Set keyboard language if you desire.

19) Click Start > unpin remaining tiles group. Right-click taskbar > change search to hidden.

20) Right-click desktop > change icons to large. Increase font size to about 16 using Winaero Tweaker: https://winaero.com/blog/icons-text-siz … rs-update/ (may need to lock down the registry entry somehow; will update once I figure out)

21) In Task Manager disable all apps under Start Up after installing whatever apps you require.

Enable Dual Boot with Windows 10 Mobile

1) Go back to Mass Storage Mode, create these files and run dualboot.bat:

dualboot.bat (replace first.last with your profile path)


for /f %%a in ('
    wmic logicaldisk where "VolumeName='MainOS'" get Caption ^| find ":"
') do set letter=%%a
cd EFIESP\EFI\Microsoft\BOOT
bcdedit /store BCD /set {7619dcc9-fafe-11d9-b411-000476eba25f} description "Windows 10 Phone"
bcdedit /store BCD /set {7619dcc9-fafe-11d9-b411-000476eba25f} path "\windows\system32\boot\winload.efi"
bcdedit /store BCD /default {7619dcc9-fafe-11d9-b411-000476eba25f}
bcdedit /store BCD /displayorder {7619dcc9-fafe-11d9-b411-000476eba25f} /addfirst
(echo select disk X
echo select partition 41
echo Set id=ebd0a0a2-b9e5-4433-87c0-68b6b72699c7
)  | diskpart

Undo changes to go back to using WOA Deployer

1) Go back to Mass Storage Mode, create these files and run reset.bat:



(echo select disk X
echo select partition 43
echo delete partition override
echo select partition 42
echo delete partition override
echo select partition 41
echo delete partition override
echo select partition 40
echo extend
)  | diskpart

Note: if you ran reset.bat but WOA Deployer happened to stop working and you would like to go back to using the WOALite deployment method then you need to manually shrink the last partition (DATA) by 18-20 GB (depending on how much free space you want to leave behind for Win 10 Mobile); you can then proceed with running lumia.bat as normal.

Optional: Adding WiFi profile for automatically connecting post-deployment

Manually connect to WiFi and then export the profile to your Micro-SD card using the following command in CMD:


netsh wlan export profile "type_profile_name_here" key=clear folder=g:\

After exporting your WiFi profile to XML, rename it to g:\wifi.xml then create g:\connect.bat in the same root location on your Micro-SD card:


netsh wlan add profile filename="g:\wifi.xml" user=all
netsh wlan connect "type_profile_name_here" 

“type_profile_name_here” = name of your WiFi connection/SSID (without quotes)Last edited by gilius on Tue Sep 22, 2020 10:00 pm, edited 24 times in total.

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